Stewardship Drive 2025

It’s time for the 2025 Stewardship drive! The theme this year is “Share the Light”. Each Sunday there will be a Bible verse or two for you to meditate on as you prayerfully consider what your gift to our church will be.

Since the annual meeting is in October, we ask that you respond by the 6th of October. Simply cut the pledge card off the bottom of this page. Drop it at the church office, e-mail or snail mail it, or put it in the offering plate.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to help share the light of God in and through Federated Church.

Your Stewardship Committee,

Deb Curry, Linda Wheatley, Drew Wolfe, and Georgia Behlen

Pledge Card

Pledge Card


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  • Federated Church, 2704 15th Street, Columbus, Nebraska, 68601 402-564-2812

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